New Orleans Functional Medicine Health Coach Nancy Adams
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How healthy are you? Find out if health coaching is right for you.

Sick of Feeling Sick? Struggling to Lose Weight?

Optimal health is possible with natural and simple changes that resonate with you.


Can’t sleep? Wake up feeling tired? Enhance your sleep so you can regenerate and burn fat. Build habits that let you wake feeling refreshed and energized. Quality sleep is an essential component of a healthy life and weight loss.


You diet and lose and gain it all back. Stop the yo-yo. Discover what foods work best for your body. Begin to enjoy meals that are delicious, nutritive, and can lead to weight loss. Real food is what your body needs for health. Find convenient ways to add more real food and less junk food into your life.


No time to exercise? Don’t enjoy it when you do? It doesn’t have to be that way. You can build lasting and enjoyable exercise habits that enhance your health and well-being. Add regular movement throughout your day. Learn how to use food to enhance your ability to exercise and move.

Stress Management

Worried or anxious? Do you eat to manage stress and then become more stressed about weight gain? Break that cycle by becoming equipped to manage stress through healthy eating and exercise. Experience mind-body techniques that allow you to transform your reactions to stressful events. Shift your attitude to positive optimism.


You have toxic people in your life? Do you have friends you can count on? People need social support to thrive. Transform your relationships so they empower you in your quest for health. Find ways family or friends can become a more positive influence in your life.

Lose Weight

Tried every way you can to lose weight and you still don’t get the results you want? Don’t lose weight to get healthy; get healthy to lose weight. Most lifestyle choices affect your weight. Reducing calories is not the answer. Taking charge of your health is.

Nancy’s science-based coaching is founded on functional medicine, a new model of health care that seeks to get to the root causes of disease. She uses functional nutrition principles, positive psychology, and mind-body techniques, supporting you in looking and feeling your best.
nancy headshot

Meet Nancy


Nancy is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. She is part of the first group of roughly a thousand coaches to pass the exam in September 2017. The test is administered by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches. She is also a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and studied Reversing Cognitive Decline for Health Coaches, also known as the Bredesen Protocol.


Nancy hosts the monthly Functional Forum meetup for the New Orleans Functional Medicine Community (@neworleansfunctionalmedicine).


While working to overcome her own health issues, Nancy discovered functional medicine, which led her to health coaching. She focuses on weight because that is the most obvious signal that health needs improving, as she has learned through personal experience. She studies the work of a variety of functional medicine doctors and experts to provide you with the best, custom coaching, particularly for chronic illness.


Nancy is passionate about helping others improve their health.


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Nancy is here to help you achieve your long-term health and weight goals.