15 Nov I Can’t Sleep. Help!
Many people don’t get enough sleep. Either people have too much to do to get to bed on time, or people try to get a good night’s sleep but wake up at the wrong time. Some people wake in the middle of the night and some people wake too early.
If you are not sleeping well, then you probably have weight gain, premature aging, a hormone imbalance, lowered immune function and more. Oh yeah, you feel like crap too. You can’t function well on too little sleep. Many research studies show this. Your body regenerates and detoxes while you sleep. You consolidate memories. Sleep is essential for health.
Don’t give up. You can increase your chances of sleeping seven to eight restful hours. Everybody is different and so is their sleep needs. So try out these “hacks” and see which ones (or all) work for you.
Look at the light. Get outside in the morning (or look out your window) and get some blue natural light in your eyes. In the evening, avoid the blue light from your TV, tablet, phone, or computer. Install f.lux or Nightshift on your device, which blocks out the blue on your screen after dusk. Or buy a pair of yellow glasses for watching TV.
Have a nightcap. Sorry not alcohol. Drinking within a few hours before bedtime leads to disrupted sleep. Try drinking cherry juice, which has more natural melatonin in it than other plants. Or try drinking chamomile tea–3-5 teabags brewed in a cup of hot water. It’s relaxing. Warning, no caffeine after 2 pm (or earlier).
Stretch out. Which doesn’t mean exercise. Vigorous exercising can be too stimulating if done in the evening. But gentle stretching can get the kinks out so you feel more comfortable and relaxed in bed. I do a “moon salutation” which is a series of yoga postures. Or just lean over, hang your head and reach for your toes.
Stop the chatter. When you wake up in the middle of the night, or if you don’t fall asleep right away, your mind can run away with you. You start a “what if” pattern of thinking, imagining the worst case of anything. To stop it, try counting as you breathe: 1-2-3-in and 4-5-6-out. Try practicing gratitude. Or get out of bed and read a book till sleepy again. Or prevent it by writing in a “worry journal” before bedtime so you won’t worry later.
Bedtime routine. Let your body know it’s bedtime by having a routine. For example, first a hot bath with epsom salts (magnesium is very relaxing), then a moon salutation, then read for a few minutes in bed, then lights out. Make the bedtime consistent. People naturally are early risers, or late risers, or in between. Whichever you are, go to bed between 9 and 11.
Bedroom environment. The room should be cool and very dark. The bed should be comfortable. Some people are sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies, like from cell phones or routers. You can experiment by turning off devices at bedtime and see if it helps. Smelling lavender essential oil on a tissue by your pillow can be very relaxing.
Eat for sleep. Dieters often don’t sleep well. Neither does a body fueled by junk food. So eat a nutrient dense diet with healthy fats to optimize your sleep hormones. Eating carbs at dinner can help with sleep but don’t eat within 3-4 hours of bedtime, or digestion may interfere with sleeping. One exception. If you tend to have a cortisol/insulin imbalance (which often wakes you in the middle of the night) then a spoonful of honey at bedtime may help.
Last resort. You thought I’d say a sleeping pill or antihistamine. Wrong. They can put you out but it’s not the same as natural restorative sleep. And long term use can lead to problems. But some supplements can help like 5-htp, GABA, valerian, melatonin, and magnesium. But try talking to a doctor if you need these. Let a professional help you solve all of your health issues.
I am a Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. I can help you sleep. I can listen to all your concerns and help you figure out what will work for you. Believe me, I have tried all these hacks. Let’s find the ones that work for you. Contact me to get started.
What do you think? Have you tried any of the above? Have a hack to share? Leave a comment.
Dr. Hyman sleep better live longer
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