Health information have you confused? I can help. - New Orleans Health Coach
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Health information have you confused? I can help.

All the time you hear conflicting health statements in the news. Eat low fat or eat low carb, for example. How are you supposed to know what to do? As far as you can tell everything on earth causes cancer, except that cancer is genetic so it all depends on your parents.

The answer to your dilemmas? Health coaching. I can can help you find the healthy lifestyle that works for you.

I have personal experience with most of the following. I have tried many diet variations and added many things in and out of my diet: fat, carbs, gluten, GMOs, organics, dairy, supplements, and more. But what works for me may not work for you.

We are all individuals. You learned that in kindergarten: tall, short, thick, thin, and so on. This extends to everything about your health. The foods that make you thrive will vary by individual. Some people need more sleep than others. Some people get sick more often. And so it goes. Our needs also change at different phases of our life, such as pregnancy, old age, becoming an athlete, and other times.

Here are some controversies I could help you with.

High fat or low fat? It depends on the fat. Some fats are healthy and some are not. Good fats can support brain health.

High carb or low carb? This depends on activity level. Athletes tend to need more carbs, and sedentary people less. Also the quality of the carb makes a difference.

Vegetarian or paleo? This depends on your genetics, as well as your personal philosophy. Some people thrive on a plant based diet with little or no animal protein. Some people don’t.

Sunscreen or sunshine? Don’t get sunburned so wear sunscreen to prevent that. But get enough sun to allow your skin to manufacture vitamin D. Also check the label of your sunscreen for toxins so you can avoid them.

Gluten free or not? That depends on the health of your digestive track and your genetic likelihood of having celiac. Gluten is a difficult molecule to digest. It also can aggravate some conditions like thyroiditis or mental illness.

Organic or GMO? This depends on your budget and availability. Organic is better but it is better to eat vegetables that are not organic than none at all. GMO food has pesticides sprayed on them.

Drink milk or not? Milk can cause digestive distress in some people. Milk is pasteurized so nutrients are removed in the process and it becomes less digestible. Raw milk is usually better for you and easier to digest, as long as it is from a reputable, sanitary farm.

Take vitamins or not? Vitamin and supplement brands vary widely in quality, so it is difficult for the average person to know what to buy. Also, many supplements are powerful and specific, so should be prescribed and monitored by a healthcare practitioner.

“My Plate” or “Harvard Healthy Eating Plate”? One difference between them is “My Plate” encourages more grains. The amount of grains you need is based on your individual needs and how active you are. These plans are one-size-fits-all which means they are appropriate for many but not all. But, all plans agree you should eat a lot of vegetables.

Cancer is genetic or caused by things in your environment? Both are true. Some people are genetically predisposed to cancer, but epigenetics means that factors in your environment will determine whether cancer actually develops. So live a healthy lifestyle to make cancer less likely.

How do you live a healthy lifestyle? Let New Orleans Health Coach Nancy Adams guide you in discovering your optimal diet, sleep, movement, stress reduction, relationship support, and weight. Nancy will listen to your story and ask you questions. Together, you will find the answers to your health dilemmas.


Sandra Scheinbaum and Elyse Wagner, “Functional Medicine Coaching”


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