12 Dec Hidden Dangers
Better living through chemistry. That’s one of the world’s biggest lies.
Let me explain. I’m not talking about the natural biochemical processes that are part of life itself. I’m talking about added chemicals. Chemicals that are toxic but we eat them, breathe them, and slather them all over our bodies.
So I don’t obsess over gluten, sun exposure, the flu, low carb, high carb, type of sweeteners, and other modern concerns that our ancestors never even heard of. I obsess over my exposure to chemicals.
I don’t count calories. I count toxic chemicals.
Toxic exposures
Pesticides, herbicides. The worst of these is glyphosate. It’s on conventionally grown corn and wheat and has basically ruined bread for me. It’s supposed to be safe for humans. Didn’t they say that about every pesticide ever until they were proven toxic? So eat organic when you can, aim for the Clean Fifteen when you can’t, and try soaking your non-organic veggies in baking soda and water to help remove the yuck.
Processed foods. They contain toxic artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. So cook your own food when you can. See here for quick and easy soup recipes.
New construction and new furniture. Modern building materials can off-gas toxic fumes known as VOCs. So think about repurposing some older furniture, and choose building materials that are less toxic when you can. Example–masonite doors can off-gas, but solid wood doors do not. Some paints are low VOC. Otherwise, ventilate your house often, especially with new products, as they release less gas over time.
Pest control. Flea treatments, “bombs”, spray poison, and roach spray are toxic to you and the pests. Put your garbage out every night, keep your kitchen clean, and opt for traps over poisons.
Mold from water damage. Mold can hide behind your wall board. You certainly can’t see mold spores floating through the air. But mold can be toxic to breathe. Address any leaks immediately and inspect for lingering mold.
Water from your city service. Shouldn’t clean water be a given? Sorry, but water has fluoride and chlorine or chloramine, as well as chemical runoff from factories and farms, and possibly lead from pipes. Fluoride can damage your thyroid and your brain. Chlorine and chloramine kill deadly germs, but they also kill the friendly microorganisms in your gut, that are essential for health. Get a water filter.
Plastic. You might be thinking water bottles are a good solution. Plastic has chemicals that leach into the food or water in the plastic container, even “food safe” plastic. Store your food in glass jars–I save old almond butter and salsa jars. Drink water from stainless or glass containers. When using plastic containers, don’t microwave them or put hot food in them as the heat makes it worse.
Conventional cleaning products. These are full of toxic chemicals that you breathe in as you use them, and as they sit on that shiny clean fixture. Wellness Mama has some suggestions for healthier cleaning products you make yourself.
Air pollution. Living near a highway, factory, or gas station can be a problem. So can taking your jogs along crowded streets. It may not be an option to move, but minimize your exposure when you can, and look around the neighborhood before you move to a new location.
Fragrance. Cheap cologne is synthetic, which means made from toxic chemicals. So are dryer sheets. Most candles and air fresheners are made with toxic chemicals. Either splurge on real perfume made from natural substances (flowers) or experiment with essential oils. They are healing as well as smell good.
Electromagnetic radiation. Most of us don’t notice the effects, but people who are sicker or more sensitive do. Our bodies operate on electric currents, otherwise why would you take EEGs and EKGs? Exposure to EMF (electromagnetic fields) can alter the subtle electric pathways in our bodies. I use a speaker when on my cell phone. And a good habit is to turn off your router at night to minimize exposure.
Beauty products. All your makeup, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, body washes, hand sanitizers, and hair products are full of toxic chemicals that are absorbed right through your skin. Just read the labels. How many ingredients does the product have that you can’t pronounce and don’t know what they are? Gradually replace them with natural alternatives.
Mercury amalgams. Many dentists will tell you they’re not a problem, but many more dentists and scientists will assure you they are. Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on earth. I had my amalgams removed, but it takes awhile for mercury to be detoxed, so I’ll let you know the difference it makes in my health. Amalgams have to be removed with a special protocol so find a dentist who knows how if you want to remove yours. And opt for composite for any new fillings.
Alcohol, tobacco, drugs. These are toxic substances but you already knew that. So practice moderation if you drink alcohol, and don’t smoke. Even pharmaceutical drugs have toxic chemicals in them, especially vaccines. That’s why they have side effects. So avoid recreational drugs, obviously. But do take your prescriptions when needed. And meanwhile work on building health to make the prescriptions unnecessary.
I can help you build health. I’m a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and I’m nationally board certified too. It can be complicated living a healthy lifestyle and it can get overwhelming. I can simplify things, and take you step by step, down the path you want to take. We tailor every new habit to your individual needs and your inclinations. Contact me. The intro phone call is free.
Comments: What toxins are you exposed to?
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