03 May I’m on the Rebound
Yep, I’m now rebounding every morning. I bought a mini-trampoline and I jump on it for five to ten minutes first thing. I walk into my back yard barefoot, so I get some earth contact and some morning sun in my eyes–both things that support health.
But the main reason I rebound is that it’s good for lymph flow. I had thermography (I’ll talk more about what that is later) done and discovered I had congested lymph flow. As lymph is the body’s method for draining off waste and toxins, I need to get my lymph flowing. If I leave the lymph flow congested and blocked, I’m asking for trouble, in the name of disease and disorders. Not me.
I am a health coach and lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, though it’s certainly not perfect. I did not expect to see the amount of congestion and inflammation I found. I do have a genetic predisposition to poor detox, and I have had a lifetime of exposure to toxins, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and so on, just like everybody else. I’ve only been trying to avoid this exposure in the last few years or so, and my current strategies like eating lots of vegetables and taking supplements were not enough.
So now I turn on some music and bounce away. Music is good for the brain and it certainly makes rebounding more fun. This is one new habit that I hope I will stick with. Like you, I’ve tried many health hacks and exercise plans over the years. And like you, most likely, I don’t always stick with them. I should know better, but that’s how healthy habits work. We try things, give up, try again, and hopefully, it it’s right for us, we finally stick with it. So wish me luck that I can make this lasting change.
Benefits of rebounding.
Lymph flow. The lymph is a liquid containing white blood cells that only moves around the body and does its job of detoxing if you move. There’s no pump like the heart pumps blood. Rebounding is particularly effective in getting the lymph moving.
Good for the bones. Rebounding is gentle exercise, and puts gentle stress on your skeletal system, making it stronger. We tend to thrive on gentle stress.
Gets oxygen into the cells. Oxygen makes our body run, right? This is a good way to get oxygen where it’s needed.
Muscles. I feel it in my legs. Yes, I need more muscle strength, especially in my legs. I loved to take ballet and modern dance classes in my twenties, so I used to have really strong legs. Then I got older, among other things, so now I need to give attention to my leg muscles.
Fights infections. Rebounding encourages the growth of white blood cells, and they are the infection fighters of the body.
Easy on the joints. Rebounding is so gentle that it doesn’t bother arthritis in the joints.
Improves balance. As I bounce, I have to concentrate so I stay straight on my mini trampoline. That’s improving my sense of balance. Important for anybody, but especially good for people as they age.
Ayurveda and lymph
Modern medicine gives little attention to lymph. It’s an understudied subject in medical school. But in the ancient science of ayurveda, lymph is of central importance to health. The lymphatic system is the system the body uses to heal itself. We know that the body can heal itself, as it’s evident every time you cut yourself–the cut heals over after some time. Modern conventional medicine seems to focus on alleviating symptoms. Instead, functional medicine, like ayurveda, focuses more on getting the body to heal itself.
Yoga, a part of the ayurvedic tradition, is excellent for promoting healthy lymph flow. The twisting, turning, and inverting all get lymph moving in every part of the body. Yoga matches movements to breath, and deep breathing helps direct the lymph flow as well. I think my rebounding will be a good adjunct to my yoga practice.
Let health coaching support you
I’m a National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. I can support you in finding ways to improve your lymph flow. I can help you in supporting self-healing. Together we’ll find healthy habits that you can stick with. I’ll cheer on your successes. I’ll problem solve with you to overcome your challenges. What I offer is personalized coaching. I listen to you and learn your individual needs and help you create a better future. Contact me.
In the Comments below, please share your thoughts on lymph flow.
Wellness Mama on rebounding benefits
Yoga International on relieving lymphatic congestion
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